Home Kickin' Back Alpaca Ranch

Willchris Oreo

Huacaya, Female, Proven | White, DarkBrown

Sire: Willchris Ivanhoe  

Dam: Willchris Aquila 209D  

Price: Sold

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Oreo is a lovely patterned, proven female. She has very good coverage, she is a solid female. Oreo is a good mom with lots of milk. She is calm and easy to handle. Two of her crias have the same wonderful pattern.

Oreo's last cria was a white male with loads of crimpy fibre.

We will include a breeding to the herdsire of your choice.

Fiber / Scientific Data

July 26, 2010AFD 31.4 SD 7.7 CV 24.5 %>30 46.1
July 28, 2011AFD 31.9 SD 7.9 CV 24.8 %>30 51.

Updated 11/12/2015