Home Kickin' Back Alpaca Ranch

Arriba Satewachnitahe (Satchmo)

Huacaya, Male, Unproven | White

Sire: Arriba Cortez, ARI# 30801585 , CLAA# 33176 | light fawn

Dam: Willchris Oreo, ARI# 30444980 , CLAA# 36031 | Multi

Price: Sold

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Satchmo as he is called was born on the full moon - Satewachnitahe means "full moon" in Ojibwa.

Sired by Arriba Cortez he sheared 7.5 lbs. making him a good candidate for a fibre animal for a hand spinner.

He is halter trained and behaves well on the lead. He will make a good companion animal. We take him to local events as one of our PR alpacas. He was a real hit at the 2011 Markdale Santa Claus parade.

Fiber / Scientific Data

July 28, 2011AFD 27.7 SD 8.3 CV 30. % > 30 Micron 220.9
Jul 30, 2012AFD 28.5 SD 8.0 2CV 8.1 %>30 27.2

Santa Claus Parade

6 months old

Sheared at 8 months old

One day old with mom

Updated 2/28/2017